Old Enough To Break The Rules

Posted by on Jul 13, 2014 in Blog | 0 comments

1367641101I am practicing the title of this post by writing this post! I’m breaking a rule about writing about myself, a rule that I intuitively live by when I live out of my introvert. My comfort zone. For this moment, to meet my commitment to write this week’s blog, I am chosing to live out of my extrovert. (It’s really helpful to be on the cusp!)

When I thought about what to write, I decided to use my own soulcollages(R) for my inspiration.  I broke a big rule yesterday, so the subject was on my mind.
The rule I broke yesterday was “Be a good girl and do what is expected.”  Instead, I refused to pay a home repair person because I was not satisfied with his work.  I did not think it was complete. And, therefore,  I realize in retrospect, I felt demeaned.  I explained to him why I thought his task was incomplete. I even called his employer and asked his employer to explain my point, trying to blaming my own hard head rather than his.  But, in the end, he “chose” to not get paid.  However this turns out, by breaking the rules yesterday, I stood up for myself and maintained integrity.

In thinking back over my life, I realize that I have a long history of “breaking the rules”.  Not as a child, OF COURSE.  I was GOOD, remember?  In Detroit I joined a picket line. In Cleveland I did a tv interview pointing out that women in elementary school readers had only 3 jobs, mother, teacher, and witch. (My infant sat on the table and waved.)  In Louisiana I supported the women’s movement by wrote a polite letter to the editor, and lost my job. And now, in Denver, I refused to pay a contractor who didn’t complete his tasks.

Much more important than all of these important examples, as an artist, every time I paint I “break the rules” by not  caring (So Much) about the end product.  That rule took me several years to learn, but learn I did.  In my last painting I even tried to make it obvious that I was purposefully breaking the rules. No center placement – oops. Altered groundline – oops. Flattened picture plane – oops.  Too large.  Too small.  Oops and oops.

This may become a habit!  Oops!

I’d love to hear how some of you have broken rules.  By choice.  How did it feel?  What happened?  Let me know and I will relish your victories with you!

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