Alphabet Tree

Posted by on Jan 5, 2015 in Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Alphabet Tree to Lift Your Spirits

Are trees talking to you? In this season of Christmas Trees, Hanukah Menorahs and Kwanza treats, I came across what I would call an Alphabet Tree in my doctor’s office. Taking up a full wall, this tree had “branching” words for different letters of the alphabet. Trees can be strong, protective, alive, beautiful and nurturing. We all have our own trees inside of us. I decided to make up my own alphabet tree to bring cheer to those of you having difficulty at this season. Here goes: (Note the different colors and sizes of my ‘branches’ as I learn how to “decorate” them!)

A is for ATTITUDE, ACTION, ART – Studies show that an attitude of positivity will make you feel good, optimistic or grateful. By raising your vibrations, you will feel lighter, cheerier and hopeful. Taking action means doing one small thing. What is the smallest effort you can make toward a goal. Do it for 5 minutes. My go to is, of course artmaking.

B is for BEAUTY – Yes, check in with the mirror several times a day. Smile, and say, ‘My, how beautiful you are today’. Louise Hay, the gifted writer, does this daily. And then, notice a different kind of beauty every day. Oh, the sky looks beautiful. That petal still has its bright colors. Those dish towels brighten up the kitchen. This may sound hokey, but it works. Last week I noted the beauty of the flock of geese flying over head.

C is for CREATION, COLOR – How blessed to have been created. Yes, you are a blessing. The sun, moon, earth, nature are all part of a perfect Creation. Notice all the variations of colors around you.

D is for DARING – What have you done that was Daring this day/week/year? Did you say no when you wanted to? Try a new recipe, dare to act silly, join a new group, begin therapy? Lift your spirits as you go!

E is for ESSENTIAL, ESSENCE, EXPERIMENT, EXPLORE – Notice the essentials in your life and be grateful for them. Write them down or just think about them before you fall asleep. Notice when you are your ‘essential’ self. Explore a different behavior, route, or color.

F is for FANTASTIC, FEARLESS, FRIENDSHIP, FIRSTS, FLOW, FLOWERS, FRANKINSENCE – How fantastic that you are reading this. Pat yourself on the back the next time you act fearless! Go with the flow and relax. Use frankincense essential oil this week.

G is for GREAT, GRATITUDE, GENUINE – Be your genuine self. Only you know when you are being truly genuine. How does it feel? Do one little thing that makes you feel generous. Studies show that one way out of depression is to give time and attention to others – when you least feel like it. It WILL lift your spirits.

H is for HEY, I don’t need to do the entire alphabet. Hooray! Happy!

I is for INSPIRATION – Write down a list of people who have inspired you. Include that in your season’s greeting cards. Ask someone how you have inspired them. Write that down, too.

L is for LAUGHTER – We cannot get enough of this. Giggle your way through a day. OK, for 2 minutes, starting now…ha ha. This will lift your spirits.

M is for MIRACLE. Be the miracle that you are. That your inner child is.

N is for NOTICE – In many of these alphabet letters I am simply suggesting that you simply notice what you are already doing right! It will lift your spirits!

O is for OPPORTUNITIES – I used to work at a treatment center called Opportunities. It is awesome to witness 2nd chances, opportunities taken. Thank yourself and someone else.

P is for POWER – You are powerful. We often underestimate our personal power. Step into it. Notice how it feels. You will lift your spirits!

R is for RELATIONSHIP – Feel your relationship to yourself. Own the blessing of your relationships with others. What is your relationship to your spirit?

S is for SINCERITY, SONGS, SERVICE, SPIRIT – Appreciate the sincerity of others. Sing songs in the shower or in the car. Be of service to others. And SMILE. It will lift your spirits.

Y is for YOU – I can’t say this enough. Celebrate You.

Z is for Z00 – Sorry, its hard to think of z’s. And being around primates and elephants lifts my spirits.


I’d love to know what your tree is saying, and how it is lifting your spirits. Let me know.

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