SOUL and Infinite Consciousness

Posted by on May 1, 2015 in Blog | 0 comments


I learned a lot about Soul last weekend, when I joined 3000 others at the Colorado Convention Center to attend Wayne Dywer’s I Can Do It Denver 2015 Conference. Wow. Did we ever do it.

I want to share some highlights of the conference with you that were meaningful to me. They may help you find some relief in some emotional pain you may be feeling, and lift your spirits if you are depressed. The word Soul was used by almost every speaker. Please bear with me, putting your own definitions on this powerful word. I am hoping you will take what you need to lighten your feelings, feel less stuck or depressed, and more hopeful.

Dywer showed a video of a small corner of a neighboring galaxy to drive home his point that There is an Infinite Intelligence in the universe and you are part of it.” Watching that video of this galaxy, not our Milky Way, but even farther out in the universe, and seeing an infinite number of stars, each with their own solar systems, I couldn’t help but feel part of something much larger than myself. Have you had that experience? I sometimes have glimpses of this when I’m in nature, in the mountains, or by an ocean. Dywer spoke of this Intelligence in the universe as Infinite consciousness that is timeless.

I have often heard people call us ‘a Soul having an experience in a body’. If this sits well with you, embrace it. If not, just be gentle with yourself as you read on. If G-d is the Source of everything, and Go-d is within us, then the creative source of everything is within us.”

What can this mean to us, personally? If we have the Source of everything inside of us already, or, to take it one step further, if we have the Source of all possibility within us, then we have hope within us. We have the innate power to change, the innate power to think differently, the innate power to feel differently, and the innate power to act differently.

How might your life be different if you woke up each morning knowing that you had the power within you to make one small act of change. Baby steps. Might you look in the mirror and feel less alone? Or maybe you can choose to use that creative power inside of you to try a new recipe or even choose a new path to walk.

To work in harmony with the Infinite consciousness, Dyer said, is to reach out and serve others. Funny, that is what every authority on overcoming depression and loneliness advises us to do. When we reach out and are other-directed, something magical happens. We not only find ourselves relating to others, we also stop thinking about our own pain, if only for a moment.

John Holland, a psychic, also reminded us that our true essence is our soul. This soul “is trying to get your attention all the time”, he said. For those of us who have lost loved ones, he reminded us that we are already a soul, so we are always connected to our loved ones. That helped me. Does it bring comfort to you?


For now, imagine yourself living in “eternal gentleness”. Resting in the comfort of the Infinite Intelligence.

Perhaps you can take 3 minute breaks throughout your day.

Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. And know that you are held.

You might even choose some soothing colors and draw or paint what this feels like.

Let me know what you notice. I’d love to hear from you!.

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