Hello. Have you been searching for too long, looking for help to relieve emotional pain? Losing hope? Perhaps every day events and changes have become overwhelming. Whether you are seeking help for yourself, your child, your relationship, or your family I am glad that you have taken this important first step toward regaining control over your life. Together we can explore your issues and find solutions.

Your emotional pain – Are you feeling sad, or have you felt like you are losing a sense of hope? I will listen to you. Sometimes sadness makes it hard to smile or find joy in little things, even hard to get out of bed to participate in everyday activities. Or, have you been finding it hard to make decisions? Do you feel ‘stuck’, confused or even angry? Or, do you simply feel alone and lonely too often? Does your heart hurt? Together, we can discover the cause of your pain, and rebuild a sense of optimism.

Does your child or family need help? Is your relationship struggling? Watching loved ones struggle can be difficult and can leave you feeling frustrated and helpless. Every struggle is unique. I will  make it safe for you and your loved ones to explore painful feelings, thoughts and issues, and help you learn new coping skills. I have learned many of them from my own struggles, and am passionate about helping others. You may want to download my newsletterHOPE: Can therapy really help me?” on the right side of this page.

“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all.” Emily Dickenson



You will be in the presence of a therapist who will really listen. Who can hold your difficult feelings until you are ready to experience them safely and work through them. Who will help you feel seen…and heard. Who makes it feel safe to express yourself.
You will learn
how to be gentle with yourself,
how to remember to accept even that critical voice,
and how you can trust yourself to do deep work,
whether in therapy or by using the tools that I, myself, have learned and can teach you.

I have helped many children, teens, adults, couples and families through their emotional pain so that they enjoy life again. Let me help you, too.

Call me, Claudia Trevithick at 720-242-9241 for a free initial 20 minute phone consult, or just call me to set up an appointment.